Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The Listening Sub-test takes 30 minutes: approximately 20 minutes to
listen to the tape and answer the questions, and 10 minutes to transfer your
answers to an Answer Sheet provided with the test booklet.
• The test consists of 4 sections, and you will hear the tape only once. There are 40 questions in total.
• The listening passages become more difficult as you progress through the test.
• Section 1 is based on social or life situations: for example, travel arrangements, visiting a new
city, or making arrangements to go out. This is usually a conversation between at least two speakers.
• Section 2 is also based on social or life situations: for example, a news broadcast, or a description
of college facilities. This is usually a passage with only one person speaking.
• Section 3 is usually based on education and training situations: for example, a group of students
planning a project, or a tutor and a student discussing career options. This is often a conversation
with up to four speakers.
• Section 4 is also based on education and training: for example, a lecture or a talk of general
academic interest.
• Spelling is not important in the Listening Sub-test, except that you must spell words correctly
when they are spelt out for you on the tape.
• Your answers need to be legible, that is, they must be able to be read. This applies to all the types
of answers you give: letters, numbers and phrases.
• You write your answers on the question paper as you do the Listening Sub-test, and when it is
completed, you have 10 minutes to transfer them carefully onto the Answer Sheet. Make sure
that each answer is transferred accurately and is legible.

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